Monday, July 4, 2011


The children arrived yesterday. They rich, they snobby, but there aere some gems. One girl made SOS signs for her windows already and claims to be sick all the time, she is spanish.

Here is a funny story from the other night before the kids came: We woke up one morning and we were having breakfast and Muffin came up looking super tired and started swearing up a storm and yelling at me and moose claiming thtat we came into her room last night and I was laughing. 'fuck you thats not a funny joke!' we were so confused. She was super mad at us and did not beileve us when we told her it wasnt us. All day there was tension. Later that night a man (from the group of french gymnasts that were also staying at the site) came up to us and said 'so who did i wake up last night' we all laughed and the mystery was solved. apparently he was super drunk and just walked into the wrong room, scaring the shit outa Muffin.
I have to go;;;;;;;;;;;;;; LOVE

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