Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Today and Yesterday were grand!

yesterday was Hollywood day and we had spectacle and watched the zombie/sifi movies we had made a couple days ago.
My group had a good premise: Aliens capture all the boys in the world and the girls fight the aliens and save humanity. Girl Power.
But I was silly and recorded it on a strange setting and everything was recorded in high speed with no sound...oops. It looked super cool so I went with it, and the programs we have to edit are to primitive to slow them down. I told the girls in my group what happened and they were totally sad, but when they saw it, I'm pretty sure they loved it.
This is it.......


I had a lot of fun making it, all the videos were super funny. I nearly died laughing that night. The sketches were also very entertaining. Mizzou and I got to do some of our favorite interludes like Steamroller, where all the counselors lay on the floor in a line and then roll over eachother one at a time while yelling STEAMROLLER! its funny. And we got to do our Talk to the Hand interlude, which is a dramatic reading of a translated french song, a very inapropriate song.

Today was hit music day! we taught dances and had a dance competition. Mizzou and I were the judges, and we started the night with a great choreographed dance. The kids were super into the competition, it was magic. The shy kid broke it down and the asshole kid was a saint.

Well 3 more days till intersession!!!


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